How to Set Your Work Location in Tesla in 3 Easy Steps

To set work location Tesla, go to Settings > Work > Work Location and select your preferred location.

So, How To Set Work Location Tesla

To set your work location in Tesla, go to Settings > Work > Work Location and select your preferred location.

How to Set Work Location Tesla

Step 1: Open the Tesla app

Open the Tesla app on your phone.

Step 2: Tap on the Settings icon

Tap on the gear icon in the top right corner of the app to open the Settings menu.

Step 3: Tap on Work Location

Tap on the Work Location option to view your current work location.

Step 4: Enter your new work location

Enter your new work location in the Work Location field.

Step 5: Tap on Save

Tap on the Save button to save your new work location.

Your new work location will now be saved and used by Tesla to calculate your estimated arrival time when you use the navigation feature.

Also Read: How To Shut A Tesla Off

FAQs on How to Set Work Location in Tesla

What is the work location setting in Tesla?

The work location setting in Tesla allows you to set the address of your workplace so that your car can automatically navigate there when you use the navigation system.

How do I set my work location in Tesla?

To set your work location in Tesla, follow these steps:

1. Open the Tesla app.
2. Tap on the Settings icon.
3. Tap on Vehicle.
4. Tap on Work Location.
5. Enter the address of your workplace.
6. Tap on Save.

Can I set multiple work locations in Tesla?

Yes, you can set multiple work locations in Tesla. To do this, simply follow the steps above for each work location that you want to add.

How do I delete a work location in Tesla?

To delete a work location in Tesla, follow these steps:

1. Open the Tesla app.
2. Tap on the Settings icon.
3. Tap on Vehicle.
4. Tap on Work Location.
5. Tap on the work location that you want to delete.
6. Tap on Delete.

What happens if I change my work location?

If you change your work location, your car will automatically update the navigation system to reflect the new address. This means that your car will now navigate to your new workplace when you use the navigation system.

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