How to Disable Autosteer on Your Tesla in 3 Easy Steps

To turn off Autosteer on your Tesla, press the gear selector twice to enter the menu, then select “Autopilot” and press the “Autosteer” button to turn it off.

So, How To Turn Off Auto Steer Tesla

To turn off Autosteer on your Tesla, press the gear icon on the steering wheel. Then, select Autopilot and press the Autosteer button to turn it off.

How to Turn Off Auto Steer Tesla

Auto Steer is a driver-assist feature on Tesla vehicles that allows the car to automatically steer within its lane. It is designed to make driving more comfortable and less stressful, but it can also be turned off if desired.

How to Turn Off Auto Steer

To turn off Auto Steer, follow these steps:

1. Press the stalk on the left side of the steering wheel down once:
This will turn off Auto Steer and return control of the steering wheel to the driver.

2. Press the stalk down again to turn Auto Steer back on:

You can also turn off Auto Steer by using the touchscreen in the center of the dashboard. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Tap on the Controls icon:

2. Tap on the Autopilot icon:
3. Tap on the Auto Steer slider to turn it off:

When to Turn Off Auto Steer

You may want to turn off Auto Steer in the following situations:

When you are driving on a winding road.
When you are driving in traffic.
When you are approaching an intersection.
When you are driving in a construction zone.
When you are driving in bad weather conditions.


Auto Steer is a great feature that can make driving more comfortable and less stressful. However, it is important to be aware of the limitations of Auto Steer and to turn it off when necessary.

Also Read: How To Turn Off Autopilot Tesla Model 3

FAQs: How to turn off Auto Steer Tesla

How do I turn off Auto Steer on my Tesla?

To turn off Auto Steer, press the button on the steering wheel that looks like a steering wheel with a line through it. You can also tap the Auto Steer icon in the center of the touchscreen and select Turn Off.

What happens when I turn off Auto Steer?

When you turn off Auto Steer, the car will stop using its sensors and cameras to track the lane and keep you centered. You will be responsible for steering the car yourself.

Can I turn Auto Steer back on?

Yes, you can turn Auto Steer back on by pressing the button on the steering wheel or by tapping the Auto Steer icon in the center of the touchscreen.

What are the benefits of using Auto Steer?

Auto Steer can help you to drive more safely and comfortably by keeping you centered in your lane and reducing the amount of steering you need to do. It can also be helpful in traffic jams or on long road trips.

What are the risks of using Auto Steer?

Auto Steer is not a perfect system and it can make mistakes. If you are not paying attention to the road, you could end up in an accident. It is important to be aware of the risks of using Auto Steer and to use it responsibly.

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