How To Turn Off Santa Mode Tesla [Answered]

Are you tired of your Tesla randomly switching to Santa Mode

You’re not alone. This is a common issue that can be frustrating and inconvenient. But don’t worry, I’m here to help. In this guide, I’ll show you how to turn off Santa Mode on your Tesla in a few simple steps.

So if you’re ready to get rid of Santa Mode once and for all, keep reading!

So How To Turn Off Santa Mode Tesla?

How to Turn Off Santa Mode Tesla

1. Press the Settings icon on the touchscreen.
2. Scroll down and select Display:
3. Select Themes:
4. Select Santa Mode:
5. Toggle Santa Mode off.


Santa Mode will be turned off for all users of the vehicle.

How to Turn Off Santa Mode Tesla

Santa Mode is a fun holiday feature that Tesla owners can enable on their vehicles. It adds festive decorations to the car’s touchscreen, plays Christmas music, and even changes the voice of the navigation system to Santa Claus. However, if you’re not a fan of Santa Mode, or if you just want to turn it off for a while, it’s easy to do.

How to Turn Off Santa Mode

To turn off Santa Mode on your Tesla, follow these steps:

1. Open the Tesla app on your phone.
2. Tap on the Vehicle tab.
3. Scroll down and tap on Settings.
4. Tap on Display.
5. Scroll down and tap on Holiday Mode.
6. Toggle the Holiday Mode switch to the off position.

Santa Mode will now be turned off on your Tesla.


If you’re having trouble turning off Santa Mode, here are a few things you can try:

Make sure that you’re using the latest version of the Tesla app.
Restart your Tesla.
Reset your Tesla’s infotainment system.
Contact Tesla customer support for help.


Turning off Santa Mode on your Tesla is easy to do. Just follow the steps in this article, and you’ll be back to your normal driving experience in no time.

Also Read: How To Turn Off Tesla Radio

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