How Do You Spell Volkswagen: (Find Out)

How Do You Spell Volkswagen

How do you spell Volkswagen?

Volkswagen is spelled Volkswagen.

How to Spell Volkswagen

The Correct Spelling

Volkswagen is spelled with a v and a w. It is not spelled with a u or a j. The correct spelling is Volkswagen.

Why is it Spelled That Way?

The name Volkswagen comes from the German words Volk (people) and Wagen (car). So, the name Volkswagen literally means people’s car. The name was chosen to reflect the company’s goal of making affordable cars for the masses.

Is There a Different Way to Spell Volkswagen?

No, there is no other way to spell Volkswagen. The name is always spelled with a v and a w.

What if I Spell It Wrong?

If you spell Volkswagen wrong, people will probably know what you mean. However, it is always best to spell the name correctly. This will show that you are familiar with the company and its products.


The correct spelling of Volkswagen is Volkswagen. The name is derived from the German words Volk (people) and Wagen (car). The name was chosen to reflect the company’s goal of making affordable cars for the masses.

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FAQs: How do you spell Volkswagen?

How do you spell Volkswagen in German?

Volkswagen is spelled Volkswagen in German.

How do you spell Volkswagen in English?

Volkswagen is spelled Volkswagen in English.

How do you pronounce Volkswagen?

Volkswagen is pronounced folks-va-gen.

What is the meaning of the word Volkswagen?

Volkswagen is a German word that means people’s car.

Who owns Volkswagen?

Volkswagen is owned by the Volkswagen Group.

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